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Career Education In SCASD

SCASD Career Exploration Programming 

SCASD has career development and exploratory programs to meet the needs of all students in the district. A significant aspect of the career development and exploration program is to provide general information about the CTC’s course offerings and programs so that students may develop an effective and well-informed educational plan, which is specifically tailored to meet their own budding career plans.  For some students at our high school, concentration in a CTC program is an appropriate choice, for others, participation in CTC programs may be limited or non-existent. The goal is to help students select courses and programs appropriate for their interests and future plans.

High School Initiatives

  1. Several grade-level appropriate presentations are made by counselors to students each year of students‘ high school careers, discussing course selection and registration, and post-secondary planning. This is done with multiple classrooms at a time in an auditorium setting, and/or a single classroom.
  2. Through our Xello platform teachers and counselors provide at least two classroom career exploration lessons at each grade level. These lessons are captured in an electronic copy in their Xello career portfolio which demonstrate meaningful engagement with the CEW Standards. 
  3. Students interested in a CTC class or program can visit a class of interest through coordination with their grade-level counselor and sending and receiving teacher.
  4. Grade-level counselors have individual meetings with students regarding career exploration, college planning, and course selection appropriate to these plans. Counselors refer students to the CTC Director or CTC teachers for more detailed discussions of what particular CTC programs have to offer.
  5. Students are introduced to various free resources for career planning and exploration and the district subscribes to Xello, a career exploration and discovery tool which has assessments for students to learn more about themselves and career profiles to learn more about jobs and their characteristics.
  6. In the Course Selection Guide, which is available online or in print, students are provided descriptions of CTC course offerings for reference during course registration time. This provides an opportunity for potential students and their parents to compare high school course electives with CTC programs.
  7. CTC program teachers prepare industry-specific career lessons, guest speakers, and field trips so students can gain exposure to professions in their fields. 
  8. Unpaid public relations: News stories covering special projects or student success stories. Material is submitted by teachers and staff or arranged through media representatives.
  9. Parent Night, Elective Showcase, and other recruitment activities  are provided each year to allow parents and students to talk  with CTC teachers and students to learn about the courses and CTSO opportunities available to them through participation in our programs.

Middle Level Initiatives

  1. 8th Grade tours of the CTC are provided in late fall and classroom discussions about the tours with counselors ensue following the tours. Students participate in presentations from each of the program's teachers and students, as well as an overview CTC video and welcome from CTC student leaders. Demonstrations and explanations by teachers and current students are utilized to emphasize program benefits and features, successful students, career opportunities, etc. Information relative to non-traditional employment opportunities is given during presentations.
  2. Counselors also conduct individual meetings with students about scheduling, in which students are guided to consider which CTC program, if any, is appropriate for their interests.
  3. Students participate in Career Day, during which 2-year, 4-year degree occupations are represented by professionals in the community. 
  4. Lessons introducing and using Xello are delivered. Students then used it in an exploratory manner, just to let kids know it's a resource and how to navigate the site. Counselors lead students through an exercise where they had kids explore a career and place characteristics they learned about it into their electronic portfolio.
  5. The Delta Program is a school of choice for secondary school students in the district In 6th grade, students have the opportunity to attend Delta and shadow a student for the day to see if the differing approaches to teaching and learning, as well as the unique school climate, is better suited to students interests and needs. Finding a work environment best-suited to students' unique needs is essential for success in high school and in the workplace.
  6. The Universal Encouragement Program (UEP) Survey is a time-saving online tool that will gather and report critical data to inform guidance services, program development, and school improvement efforts. ESI offers the UEP at no cost to schools and education support programs.  The Universal Encouragement Program (UEP) is an online guidance assessment, reporting, and communications system designed to help counselors and other education support professionals document and respond to students' career and education needs, interests, and experiences. ESI has designed the assessments for the purpose of informing guidance and encouragement efforts that lead to improved educational attainment and career decision-making. Students take this survey in 8th grade.
  7. In the spring, high school and Delta counselors present to 8th graders regarding how to select high school courses, what options are available to them, and how best to make appropriate course selection choices based on their interests and goals. Elective courses and CTC programs are discussed, as is the Delta program.
  8. All middle school students complete 2 career lessons at minimum a year with their school counselor, Ed. Tech teacher and/or classroom teacher. These lessons are captured in a electronic copy in their Xello career portfolio which demonstrate meaningful engagement with the CEW Standards. 

Elementary Level Initiatives

  1. K-5 students all complete 2 career lessons at minimum a year with their school counselor, STEM teacher and/or classroom teacher. These lessons are captured in a hard copy career portfolio which demonstrate meaningful engagement with the CEW Standards. These lessons are sent to middle school upon transition to 6th grade.
  2. Guest speakers in careers related to units of study
  3. Field trips to places of business

PA Career Education and Work Standards