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Observation Protocol

*Due to an extensive amount of requests for observations, the following protocol has been implemented.*  

Observation Protocol for SCASD ELD

Our hope is that we will be able to accommodate the maximum number of students requiring observation by maintaining this protocol.  We appreciate your cooperation. 
  1. It is the understanding of the ELD teachers that all correspondence remain between the instructor assigning observation hours and the ELD teacher and that individual students are not contacting ELD teachers.
  2. Observers must sign-in at the main office in the school and wear the provided name tag the entire duration of the visit. 
  3. Observers follow dress code established by SCASD and available on the SCASD website.
  4. Observers refrain from using cell phones while in the classroom.
  5. When observers visit the ELD classroom, ELD teachers may or may not have time to answer individual questions.
  6. Black-out dates will exist (i.e end of the marking period, testing dates, etc.) so please plan ahead with coordinating student observations.

The following procedure must be followed in order for students to complete observation hours within SCASD ELD

  1. Course instructor contacts the ELD teacher and staters purpose and number of students requiring observations hours.
  2. ELD teacher responds with available dates and times.  The maximum number of observers per day may vary depending on school and classroom setting.
  3. Instructor creates an observation schedule with his/her students based on ELD teacher's and students' availability.
  4. Instructor sends completed observation schedule to ELD teacher for final approval and also lets the ELD teacher know if students will require written documentation for their hours.  If this is the case, instructor details student names, number of hours and expectations for letter.
  5. Instructor communicates details and expectations of observation (protocol involves appropriate dress, registering in main office for name tag, and observing/helping out when ELD teacher may need it).
  6. Instructor provides name, address, room number of the school (provided by ELD teacher) to the students so that they may find the ELD classroom.