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Tips for Parents

Suggestions for Parents:



  1. Read to your child in your native language.
  2. Continue to use your native language to teach life skills.
  3. Discuss events in your native language.
  4. Maintain contacts with relatives and friends in home country.
  5. Ask child to retell events that happened during the day in both English & native language.
  6. Allow your child to join extracurricular activities (after school activities, the YMCA, sports, music, etc.)



What are some homework tips for parents?

  • Set a time for doing homework
  • Make sure your child has a quiet place
  • Make sure your child has all needed materials
  • Have your child explain their homework to you
  • Allow your child time to work on the homework alone
  • If your child asks for help, give guidance, not answers
  • If your child has more than one assignment, do the hardest homework first.
  • Get a homework buddy

What are some ways that I can improve my child’s English?

  • Read every night in English and/or your home language
  • Have your child keep a daily journal to improve writing skills
  • Play games to improve oral language
  • Watching television can be helpful.

What should I do if my child becomes frustrated?

  • Take a short break
  • Don’t be afraid to stop doing the homework
  • Write a note/email to the classroom teacher

Note: Please do not feel that incomplete homework is a sign of weakness or failure. It only means that more English is needed to complete the assignment. Teachers will understand that your child is learning English.