Tips for Parents
Suggestions for Parents:
- Read to your child in your native language.
- Continue to use your native language to teach life skills.
- Discuss events in your native language.
- Maintain contacts with relatives and friends in home country.
- Ask child to retell events that happened during the day in both English & native language.
- Allow your child to join extracurricular activities (after school activities, the YMCA, sports, music, etc.)
What are some homework tips for parents?
- Set a time for doing homework
- Make sure your child has a quiet place
- Make sure your child has all needed materials
- Have your child explain their homework to you
- Allow your child time to work on the homework alone
- If your child asks for help, give guidance, not answers
- If your child has more than one assignment, do the hardest homework first.
- Get a homework buddy
What are some ways that I can improve my child’s English?
- Read every night in English and/or your home language
- Have your child keep a daily journal to improve writing skills
- Play games to improve oral language
- Watching television can be helpful.
What should I do if my child becomes frustrated?
- Take a short break
- Don’t be afraid to stop doing the homework
- Write a note/email to the classroom teacher
Note: Please do not feel that incomplete homework is a sign of weakness or failure. It only means that more English is needed to complete the assignment. Teachers will understand that your child is learning English.