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Half-day Kindergarten


Kindergarten Class

Half-day kindergarten option

Our district works with families to provide appropriate educational experiences for all students. To that end, we recognize that some students may benefit from a morning or afternoon half-day kindergarten option as they transition into our public schools. Families can pick either half-day option at any of our elementary schools during the registration process. At any time during the school year, they can elect to change to the full-day program for the remainder of the school year.

The half day morning kindergarten option ends at 11:35 a.m. and parents/guardians need to provide transportation home for their child.  Lunch may be included in the half day option with principal permission. If a special class (music, art, gym, library, or S.T.E.M) occurs in the afternoon, the morning half day students would not be included in these. 

The half day afternoon kindergarten option begins at 11:30 and parents/guardians need to provide transportation to school for their child. Lunch may be included in the half day option with principal permission. Special classes for kindergarten occur in the afternoon so students enrolled in our afternoon half day option would attend these classes. 

Students are members of their kindergarten and can return to school for special activities such as classroom holiday parties, field trips and assemblies. The parent/guardian would transport them back to school for the classroom holiday parties, field trips, and assemblies if they choose to do so.  At the conclusion of one of these events, parents would need to return to pick-up the child.

At present, the district does not have a comprehensive half-day kindergarten program. Half-day students receive half of the full-day schedule and the curriculum that has been scheduled for that part of the day.

For more information, email Heather Card at