Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
Our district uses a wide-scale benchmarking assessment of student learning as a part of our universal screening process three times a year (September, January, and May). The use of MAP is the result of a review of our district’s comprehensive assessment program of student learning where we categorized all assessments using the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s four types of assessment: diagnostic, formative, benchmark, and summative.
MAP is given in grades 2-9 for reading and grades 1-9 for math. At the conclusion of the benchmark assessment window, we will provide a report of your child's scores and progress over time. MAP is an assessment that focuses on growth over time and should be interpreted with a growth lens, considering at least three data points. Your child’s MAP test results will be reported in RIT scores. This is a different type of score than a typical test that provides a percentage correct. It is also different from many tests that provide results based on your child’s score compared to others in his or her grade. Instead, the RIT score is an equal-interval scale, like feet and inches, that is independent of grade level. As a result, we can easily measure growth in learning. This type of score increases the value of the tests as a tool to improve student learning because it enables teachers to recognize where to focus attention for your child’s learning.
For additional information about MAP, please refer to the following documents.
Student Progress Report (document that is sent home with each MAP student report)