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Elementary Gifted Support


Students who have needs that cannot be met within General Education services can be referred for evaluation for Gifted Support services. The Gifted Support component may provide acceleration and/or enrichment for students who have unusual abilities and are identified as gifted. A multidisciplinary team determines the appropriateness of placement in Gifted Support based on information secured from group achievement and ability tests, grades, an individual psychological examination, parent and teacher observations, and teacher, program specialist, and administrator recommendations. If Gifted Support services are recommended by a multidisciplinary team, the parents and students will be invited to attend and participate in a program planning meeting where a Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP) will be developed.

When students are recognized to be in need of specially designed instruction, a myriad of services are available:

Students typically working a year or more above grade level are met with services depending on their demonstrative achievements and abilities. Services include enrichment, acceleration, or a combination of both.

For example: 

Enrichment - students may be provided with in-class enrichment in content areas (such as ELA and/or math), pull-out services with the gifted support teacher

Acceleration - students may be accelerated in a specific subject area, curricular sequence/unit, or full grade-level acceleration.

Each student's path is unique depending on strengths identified through the gifted multi-disciplinary process.