Online Translator Policy
Dictionary / Online Translator Policy
When completing an assignment or project for your World Language classes, it is acceptable to:
- Look up a single word in the dictionary.
- Look up a single word online.
It is NOT acceptable to:
- Use an online translator to write complete thoughts and sentences.
- Use an online translator to write a paragraph or multiple paragraphs.
This is equivalent to having another student do the work, and is a level 3 offense under the Academic Integrity Policy. It states:
- “Submitting a paper as one’s own that has been wholly or mostly written by someone else whether that paper has been purchased,borrowed, found, stolen, etc.”
The grading consequences are one of the following:
- “Zero on the assignment without the possibility of resubmitting it for a replacement grade.
- Possibility of resubmission of assignment or an alternative assignment for maximum 60% of the highest grade possible.”
The disciplinary consequences are:
- “Student/parent/grade-level administrator conference.
- 4 hours of detention OR one-day in-school suspension.
- No competition or participation in extracurricular activities for one week. Attendance/practice are permitted.”
The entire Academic Integrity Policy can be found at the following link: