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Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent Evaluations


On April 12, 2024, the Board of Directors completed Curtis Johnson’s evaluation and deemed his performance Proficient or better for each of the following:

Performance Standards

Standard 1: Policy and Governance
Standard 2: Planning and Assessment
Standard 3: Instructional Leadership
Standard 4: Organizational Management
Standard 5: Communication and Community Relations
Standard 6: Professionalism

Annual Goals

Goal 1: Future Ready Comprehensive Plan Progress
Goal 2: Climate, Equity & Inclusivity
Goal 3: Employee and Labor Relations
Goal 4: Community Outreach/Advocacy/Ambassador to the public
Goal 5: Facilities - Make Progress to Improve District Facilities
Goal 6: Governance - Develop structure and process for updating the highest priority board policies

Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Education

On June 25, 2024, the Board of Directors completed Danielle Yoder’s evaluation and deemed her performance Proficient or better for each of the following:

Performance Standards

Standard 1: Relationship with Board
Standard 2: Strategic/Cultural Leadership
Standard 3: Systems Leadership
Standard 4: Professional/Community Leadership
Standard 5: Leadership for Learning

Annual Goals

Goal 1: Future Ready Comprehensive Plan Progress
Goal 2: Climate, Equity & Inclusivity
Goal 3: Employee and Labor Relations
Goal 4: Community Outreach/Advocacy/Ambassador to the public
Goal 5: Facilities - Make Progress to Improve District Facilities
Goal 6: Governance - Develop structure and process for updating the highest priority board policies

Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education

On June 25, 2024, the Board of Directors completed Jonathan Bucher’s evaluation and deemed his performance Proficient or better for each of the following:

Performance Standards

Standard 1: Relationship with Board
Standard 2: Strategic/Cultural Leadership
Standard 3: Systems Leadership
Standard 4: Professional/Community Leadership
Standard 5: Leadership for Learning

Annual Goals

Goal 1: Future Ready Comprehensive Plan Progress
Goal 2: Climate, Equity & Inclusivity
Goal 3: Employee and Labor Relations
Goal 4: Community Outreach/Advocacy/Ambassador to the public
Goal 5: Facilities - Make Progress to Improve District Facilities
Goal 6: Governance - Develop structure and process for updating the highest priority board policies