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2011-12 Budget Development

2011-12 Budget Planning

The Fiscal Year 2011-12 general fund budget for the State College Area School district is $111,869,367. Please see the documentation below for more information about the budgeting process.

Video of the Community Meeting on the budget held April 13, 2011.


A video presentation (18 minutes) of the 2011-12 Budget proposal recorded April 14, 2011 with Business Administrator, Jeff Ammerman.

Notice of Intent to Seek Act 1 Referendum Exceptions

State College Area School District sought approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Education for Act 1 referendum exceptions for special education expenditures and retirement contributions. The District submitted its request for referendum exceptions to the Pennsylvania Department of Education at least one week after the initial publication of this notice.


2011-12 Final Budget for adoption at 6/27/11 board meeting

2012-12 Budget Timeline - 6/13/11 board meeting

2011-12 Budget Update - 6/13/11 board meeting

6/6/11 Budget Hearing document

Proposed Final Budget for adoption at 5/23/11 board meeting

5/18/11 Special Meeting documents

Additional budget information - 5/9/11 board meeting

5/2/11 Budget Work Session materials

Additional budget information - Student Activities & Athletics - 4/25/11 board meeting

Handout for the 4/13/11 Community Meeting

2011-12 Budget Planning Document - 4/11/11 board meeting

Updated Budget Planning Document - 3/28/11 Board meeting

Updated Revenue Projections - 3/14/11 board meeting

Preliminary General Fund Budget presented for board approval 2-14-11

PDE2028 Preliminary General Fund Budget

2011-12 Budget Overview - 1/10/11 board meeting

2011-12 Budget planning presentation - 12/6/10 board meeting