2013-14 Budget Development
Budget Development for the Fiscal Year 2013-14
Past results and future projections: Our 2013-14 budget development process has included a review of the financial results from 2011-12 and five year budget projections. Further refinement of these projections will continue throughout the coming weeks as estimates are confirmed.
Key Factors: The budget development process also includes a discussion of key factors affecting the budget. These factors include:
- Revenue: Act 1 Index
- Assessed Value Growth
- Charter School Reimbursement
- Expenses: Capital Projects Transfer
- Capital Reserve Transfer
- Charter School Expenses
- Medical Insurance
- Salaries and Wages
- Special Education Costs
- Public School Employees Retirement System (PSERS)
- Real Estate Tax Appeals
- Workers’ Compensation Expense
Budget Analysis Reports: Last year, the Board received reports analyzing various operations, functions and departments of the school district. During our budget development process for 2013-14, we expect to update the Board on these areas, and in some cases, perform an even more detailed analysis. As a reflection of the work completed last year, the areas to be included are: (Budget Analysis Reports at left)
Career and Technical Center
Community Education
Educational Alternatives
Extra-Curricular & Co-Curricular
Food Service
High School Instructional Programs
K-8 Instructional Programs
Physical Plant
Printing/Copying Services
Special Education
Student Services
Meetings with Staff: Administrators also held meetings with staff this fall regarding the budget, financial picture of the district, and upcoming facility projects. There were questions and comments from the staff regarding PSERS, student enrollment projections, SWAP court case, referendum, facilities, salary and benefits, fund balance, and capital reserve fund. We have appreciated the opportunity to meet with the employees and listen to their comments. FAQs