2019-2020 Budget Development
Your input is important. As the district looks to prepare a budget for the upcoming year, we welcome your ideas to control costs or increase revenues. Feel free to give us your ideas at info@scasd.org.
The budget process is outlined in the Budget Timeline.
Our 2019-20 budget development process includes a review of the financial results from 2018-19, as well as multi-year budget projections. Refinement of these projections will continue throughout the budget process as the 2018-19 projections become clearer.
Key factors considered in our budget development process include:
· Revenue:
o Act 1 Index
o Assessed Value Growth
o Earned Income Tax Projections
· Expenses:
o Capital Projects Transfer
o Capital Reserve Transfer
o State High Project Expenses
o Charter School Expenses
o Medical Insurance
o Salaries and Wages
o Special Education Costs
o Public School Employees Retirement System (PSERS)
o Real Estate Tax Appeals
o Workers’ Compensation Expense