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The Tax Collection Committee (TCC) for Centre County is a new government entity established by Act 32 of 2008.  The purpose of the TCC is to select a single tax collector for all taxing authorities, municipalities and school districts within the county. The members of the TCC are appointed by their municipal and school district governing bodies. The County Commissioners were charged with organizing the first meeting of the TCC, which occurred on September 30, 2009.

Officers for the Centre County TCC are:

Chairperson,Randy L. Brown, State College Area School District
Vice Chairperson, Kenneth G. Bean, Jr., Bellefonte Area School District
Secretary and Right to Know Officer, Ralph W. Stewart, Bellefonte Borough
Assistant Secretary, Jefrey F. Wall, Penns Valley Area School District

The TCC will adopt Bylaws, make management structure and finance decisions, and appoint an Earned Income Tax Collector.

This web site includes information about membership, meeting agendas, minutes, bylaws,and actions of the TCC of Centre County.  In addition, there are several documents and presentations from other organizations in the state of Pennsylvania.

The TCC appointed and entered into an agreement for earned income tax collection services with the State College Borough beginning with the 2012 tax year. Taxing authorities, both municipalities and school districts, have the option to contract with the State College Borough for earned income tax collection services beginning with the 2011 tax year. The State College Borough will also enter into agreements with taxing authorities to collect the Local Services.

The 2014 Reorganization Meeting of the TCC was held on January 30, 2014 at 7 p.m.

A meeting schedule for additional quarterly meetings will be released when available.

Unless otherwise noted,meetings will be held in the library of the Bellefonte Area High School.

To request a public record, contact the Public Records Office