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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get a Dependent Care Form signed?

Dependent care forms must be submitted to the Community Education office, not the site supervisor, at least one week prior to the date you would like them to be completed. Note that we will only sign off on requests for services rendered. We will not sign off on payments for future services, even if your invoice is paid in full.

Where can I find receipt of payments I have made for CEEL?

You are strongly encouraged to print a copy of each receipt you receive following your CEEL payments. If you do not do this and require receipts for tax purposes, you will need to do the following to print a receipt with all payments listed for the current school year (families who were with us last school year will need to print the receipt from last year, as well, in order to cover a full calendar year):

  • Log in to the registration website
  • Click Billing Info in the left panel.
  • Click My Invoices. Look for the Invoice for the current school year (DATE: will indicate the date you registered; STATUS will show Payment Plan, if you are currently on the payment plan). You may need to update the From: and To: search dates to cover the prior calendar year.
  • Click Print.
  • The Tax ID number required by most organizations is  24-6001247.

Should your company or tax preparer require a different form of payment verification, email your specific requests at least two weeks prior to the date you need the document.

What is the CEEL Tax ID #?

The tax ID # for all Community Education courses is 24-6001247.

What are the program details for the before school option?

The before school option is offered from 7:30 a.m. to 7:55 a.m. each school day.  The program is staffed by the site supervisor.  During the before school option, students play quiet games or participate in light physical activity.  Enrichment activities are not offered in the before school option.

Programs require a minimum enrollment in order to run. Parents will be notified in late-July if their school's program is not going to run.

I still have questions about the CEEL Program, who do I contact?

Feel free to contact the supervisor at your child's school:

You may also contact the SCASD Community Education office between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. by calling (814) 231-1061 or send an email.

The Community Education Coordinator, Shannon Messick, can be reached by calling the number above or email.

Is there a parent handbook where I can review policies and procedures?

Yes, you can view it by clicking the CEEL Forms & Documents link at left.  Policies and procedures are subject to change from year to year and without warning under exceptional circumstances.

Am I able to pay for my CEEL fees using my employer-issued dependent care account?

Payment is made online using a Visa or MasterCard.  Some employer-issued cards have a Visa or MasterCard logo, but do not operate in the same way as a traditional credit card and do not function in our system.  While many families use their dependent care accounts to cover CEEL expenses, some families must pay out of pocket first and submit reimbursement forms to their employer.  Documentation is available from our online system which satisfies most employer requirements for reimbursement.  If additional documentation is required, we are happy to work with you to obtain that. 

We have found that some cards will work after pre-authorization from the company that administers the dependent care account.  Call the 800 number on the back of your card to determine if they will allow SCASD Community Education charges for CEEL.

Does this program qualify for the State Child Care Subsidy?

Yes, information about that program can be found by clicking the link at left.