Home and School Visitor
As an integral component of the State College Area School District's Student Service Department, the Home/School Visitor is involved with a variety of activities, involving all grade levels. The Home/School Visitor is particularly concerned with: absenteeism and the development of a plan to establish and maintain regular school attendance; serving as a liaison between parents and school personnel to create a home-school partnership.
Home/School Liaison
- Acts as a connection between parents and school personnel, so that a home-school partnership is created
- Participates in meetings with school staff, community agencies, parents and students
- Outreach to parents; referral to appropriate school and community resources
- Collaborates with District Social Worker
Truancy and Attendance Intervention
- Assessment of truancy
- Help facilitate a School Attendance Improvement Plan (SAIP)
- Facilitate services of outside agencies
- Facilitate school meetings and provision of school resources
- Court Liaison - file 2nd Truancy Offenses in court & attend Truancy Hearings
- Report chronic truancy to Children & Youth Services
- Refer students who dropout of school to GED program (in collaboration with school counselors)
- Attend Truancy Meetings - to establish SAIP, discuss school's attendance rules, discuss court process and court consequences for truancy
School Meetings
- Attend SAP (Student Assistance Program) meetings at Middle Schools
- Attend MTSS meetings district wide
- Attend IST (Instructional Support Team) meetings as needed
- Attend IEP (Individualized Education Program) meetings as needed
- Attend other school meetings as needed
Resident/non-resident investigations
District and Community Committees
- Student Assistance Program District Council (SAP)
- Citizen's Advisory Committee for Safe Schools (CAC)
- SCASD Records Committee
- Children and Youth Services Multi-Disciplinary Team
- Centre County Drug and Alcohol Planning Council
- Communities That Care (CTC)
- Centre County Children's Round Table
- Centre County Balanced and Restorative Justice Meetings (BARJ)
- Centre County Council Human Services (CCCHS)
- Student Assistance Program (SAP)
Cindy Sergeon-Smith, Home School Visitor