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Nutrient Analysis

Nutritional analysis

The files below contain information about the nutrient content of the meals served in our school cafeterias. The information provided should be used as a general guideline rather than for exact nutrient content. 

Ingredient and menu items are subject to change without notice. Manufacturers change formulations, suppliers substitute products, cooks may improvise on recipes, and servers may be imprecise in portioning. All of these factors will affect the exact nutrient content of a meal.  Further, weighted averages are used for all the milk, fruit, and fresh vegetable choices offered each day. 

Recipes used for elementary school menus include the average condiments that might be taken with that item. (For example, the nutrient analysis of chicken nuggets includes the amount of BBQ sauce and ketchup taken by the average student.)  Secondary school recipes do not include condiments that a student might add.

Please consult a medical professional for assistance in planning or treating medical conditions.

Elementary Schools Breakfast
Middle School Breakfast
High/Delta School Breakfast