Health Screenings
The State College Area School District provides the following health examinations and screenings:
- Dental inspection - Grades K, 3, and 7
- Physical examinations - Grades K, 6, 11, and new students who were not examined in the appropriate lower grade
- Hearing - Grades K, 1, 2, 3, 7, 11
- Height and weight - All grades
- Vision - All grades
- Scoliosis - Grades 6 and 7
- Color vision - On entry to school and as necessary
- Body mass index (BMI) - All grades
The Pennsylvania Department of Health mandates health screenings for all students in grades K-12.
- Hearing: Grades K, 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, and new students
- Height and Weight with BMI calculation: All grades.
- Vision: All grades
- Color Vision: On entry to school and as necessary
- Depth Perception: Grade 1, and new students
- Scoliosis: Grades 6 and 7: students without a physical or PIAA sports examination
Height, Weight, Vision and Hearing
- Visual problems, hearing problems, and growth and development discrepancies can and do affect the educational, social and emotional development of children. Early detection of these concerns helps to assure a student of the best possible educational experience.
- A referral notice for follow-up medical evaluation will be mailed or emailed home if a problem is noted during screenings.
- If you have any concerns regarding height, weight, vision or hearing, your Certified School Nurse can rescreen your child at any time.
- Understanding BMI
Scoliosis (A lateral curvature of the spine)
- Screenings are completed by the school nurse (March/April) for all 6th and 7th graders without a physical or PIAA sports examination.
- The screening is done privately, and the child is required to remove their shirt.
- A physical therapist from Mount Nittany Medical Center will re-screen any students if an asymmetry is noted by the nurse.
- A parent will be notified before the physical therapist visits in late April and will receive a notice if further medical evaluation is recommended.