Differentiated Supervision
Differentiated Supervision is a process designed to enhance professional growth and subsequently enhance student learning. Teachers participate in a differentiated supervision process every year that they are not participating in an evaluation cycle. Each of the differentiated supervision options described in this section may be used to support the learning goals/inquiry questions created in the differentiated supervision plan. When selecting a differentiated supervision option, it is critical to think about the direct connections the option(s) has to the specific learning outcomes desired for the professional as well as the direct impact the option can have on teaching and learning in the educational setting.
To access our on line teacher evaluation and differentiated supervision process, please log into My Learning Plan (MLP).
On the main page of MLP, you will see a section in green called My Evaluation. This screen shows what is the next step in the process for an evaluation or differentiated supervision cycle. You can click on the scheduled component to access the aspect you need to complete.
A Quick Guide to the Differentiated Supervision Process
Annual Supervision Process
Three meetings occur throughout the year to support the supervision process. Meetings can be conducted through an asynchronous digital meeting in My Learning Plan. Evaluators and teachers will meet in a face-to-face meeting at the end of the year to review the End-of-Year and Final Evaluation Form.
- Teacher completes Fall Action Plan and submits to evaluator.
- Teacher and evaluator meet to review action plan and sign.
- Teacher completes Mid-Year Review and submits to evaluator.
- Teacher and evaluator meet to review and sign.
End of Year
- Teacher completes End-of-Year Review and submits to evaluator.
- Teacher and evaluator meet to review and sign.
- Teacher and evaluator discuss end-of-year rating form completed by evaluator.