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Lesson Study

Lesson Study

(Possible cost consideration)


The lesson study model goes beyond collaboration to co-planning and observing actual lessons with a focus on student thinking and promoting teacher collaboration. This option allows a teacher to plan, observe, and refine"research lessons" designed to make real their long-term goals for student learning and development. You will work with colleagues or departments to develop a lesson together. One teacher will teach while others observe the lesson and all teachers will meet to discuss what went well and, what could be better, and what adjustments to the lesson could be shared.


     1. Identify lesson.

    2. Identify teacher group.

    3. Plan the lesson.

    4. Identify “teacher” of lesson and observers.

    5. Assess and gather resources.

    6. Plan the assessment.

    7. Implement the lesson.

    8. Evaluate the lesson between “teacher” and“observers”.

    9. Adjust as agreed.

    10. Re-teach with role changes at least once.

    11. Participants will submit a written reflection about the experience to their supervisor.


Donnan Stoicovy - dms11