Peer Coaching
Peer Coaching
(Pre-requisite training provided by the district is necessary to select this option.
Possible cost consideration for guest teachers during the coaching process.)
Possible cost consideration for guest teachers during the coaching process.)
Peer coaching is a method of supervision that enables a staff member to work with a peer teacher in a clinical setting to examine, refine, and enhance professional performance. The peers work in a collaborative relationship that involves the teacher identifying the area of study for the peer coach and then together conducting a series of pre-conferences, observations, and post-conferences. The process is designed to improve instruction by shared analysis of lesson planning, details of the lesson, observational data and feedback.
1. The teacher and peer coach must complete a series of supervision cycles (minimum three) during the school year (a cycle is defined as: pre-observation conference, observation/data collection, and post-observation conference).
2. A summary of the process will be shared with the supervisor.
Deirdre Bauer - dmb13
Kris Dewitt - kld24