Teacher Evaluation
Teacher Evaluation
Evaluation is the process designed to assess the quality of teacher performance and identify areas for growth. An evaluation cycle consists of at least two observations, one announced and one unannounced.
*To access our online teacher evaluation and differentiated supervision process, please log into My Learning Plan (MLP).*
On the main page of MLP, you will see a section in green called My Evaluation. This screen shows what is the next step in the process for an evaluation or differentiated supervision cycle. You can click on the scheduled component to access the aspect you need to complete.
A Quick Reference Guide to the Evaluation Process
Evaluation Non-Tenured: Semester Evaluation Cycle
This cycle is completed at least two times a year for all non-tenured teachers resulting in at least four observations and at least two evaluations.
Announced Observation
- Teacher completes Domains 1 and 4 and sends to evaluator 2 days prior to the pre-observation conference.
- Teacher and evaluator meet in pre-observation conference to review Domains 1 and 4 and set the stage for the observation.
- Evaluator observes and collects evidence on Domains 2 and 3 and sends to teacher.
- Teacher reviews and reflects on evidence, then completes the rubric. Teacher sends completed rubric to evaluator 2 days prior to the post-conference.
- Evaluator reviews teacher completed rubric,confirms agreements, and highlights differences based on the evaluator’s assessment on the rubric.
- Teacher and evaluator meet in post-conference to review rubric, using evidence from the observation and finalize rubric ratings.If there is not agreement, the evaluator’s rating is used.
- Teacher and evaluator select up to two strengths and up to two areas for growth, which are recorded on the Summary Form.
- Evaluator completes a Follow-Up walk through focused on the area(s) of growth.
Unannounced Observation
- Evaluator observes and collects evidence on Domains 2 and 3 and sends to teacher.
- Teacher reviews and reflects on evidence, adds evidence for Domains 1 and 4 then completes the rubric. Teacher sends completed rubric to evaluator 2days prior to the post-conference.
- Evaluator reviews teacher completed rubric,confirms agreements, and highlights differences based on the evaluator’s assessment on the rubric.
- Teacher and evaluator meet in post-conference to review rubric using evidence from the observation and finalize rubric ratings.If there is not agreement, the evaluator’s rating is used.
- Teacher and evaluator select up to two strengths and up to two areas for growth, which are recorded on the Summary Form.
- Evaluator completes a Follow-Up walk through focused on the area(s) of growth.
Evaluation Rating
- Teacher and evaluator meet to discuss end of semester rating form completed by the evaluator.
Evaluation Tenured: Annual Evaluation Cycle
This cycle is completed at least one time a year for all tenured teachers resulting in at least two observations and at least one evaluation.
Announced Observation
- Teacher completes Domains 1 and 4 and sends to evaluator 2 days prior to the pre-observation conference.
- Teacher and evaluator meet in pre-observation conference to review Domains 1 and 4 and set the stage for the observation.
- Evaluator observes and collects evidence on Domains2 and 3 and sends to teacher.
- Teacher reviews and reflects on evidence, then completes the rubric. Teacher sends completed rubric to evaluator 2 days prior to the post-conference.
- Evaluator reviews teacher completed rubric,confirms agreements, and highlights differences based on the evaluator’s assessment on the rubric.
- Teacher and evaluator meet in post-conference to review rubric using evidence from the observation and finalize rubric ratings.If there is not agreement, the evaluator’s rating is used.
- Teacher and evaluator select up to two strengths and up to two areas for growth, which are recorded on the Summary Form.
- Evaluator completes a Follow-Up walk through focused on the area(s) of growth.
Unannounced Observation
- Evaluator observes and collects evidence on Domains 2 and 3 and sends to teacher.
- Teacher reviews and reflects on evidence, adds evidence for Domains 1 and 4 then completes the rubric. Teacher sends completed rubric to evaluator 2days prior to the post-conference.
- Evaluator reviews teacher completed rubric,confirms agreements, and highlights differences based on the evaluator’s assessment on the rubric.
- Teacher and evaluator meet in post-conference to review rubric using evidence from the observation and finalize rubric ratings.If there is not agreement, the evaluator’s rating is used.
- Teacher and evaluator select up to two strengths and up to two areas for growth, which are recorded on the Summary Form.
- Evaluator completes a Follow-Up walk through focused on the area(s) of growth.
Evaluation Rating
- Teacher and evaluator meet to discuss end of semester rating form completed by the evaluator.