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Social Media Request

Employee Social Media Requests

Generally speaking, social media refers to the digital tools that we use to interact among each other, to create, share and exchange information, ideas, and media on online virtual networks. Familiar examples of social media include such commonly used tools as Facebook, X, Pinterest, Instagram, and LinkedIn. These are but a few examples of social media; these and all other examples of social media fall under the application guidelines.

If you wish to use a social media site in your role as teacher, administrator, coach, or other role, on behalf of the SCASD, begin by referring to the following link to help decide if you need to apply to use social media.

After deciding if using Social Media in your role is needed, apply here and start the application process.

Guidelines and District Policies related to Social Media

State College Area School District Social Media Accounts


SCASD Facebook

State College Area School District



SCASD Instagram


SCASD Youtube

State College Area School District