Apply to Use Social Media
Applying to use social media on behalf of the State College Area School District
If you wish to use a social media site on behalf of SCASD or for instruction in your role as teacher, administrator, coach, (or other district role) take these steps in the application process:- Read the Terms of Service associated with the social media site you are planning to use, to determine whether or not the population of participants is age-eligible to use the social media site and to determine whether or not parental permission is required for students to use the site. On the application form, you will be asked to check a box to indicate that you have completed this step.
To locate the Terms of Service, you can Google search for "<name of social media tool> Terms of Service." For example, search for "Twitter Terms of Service." - Complete the Application Form - Click Social Media Usage button then login using your SCASD account
- If parental permission is required by the Terms of Service, use this form.
NOTE: Those who have used social media sites with students PRIOR to the adoption of the social media policy (Jan 2013) also must complete the application process. This includes any website for which student accounts have been created in order for students to access the site. (Quizlet, ThatQuiz, GoodReads, Kidblog are examples.)
- Applicant will complete application form and will check the box on the form to send application responses to his/her email account.
- Administrator will approve or deny the request and applicant will be notified.
- If an administrator approves the school-day use of a site that is currently blocked by the Internet filter in the District, that site will be unblocked for ALL users at the level where approval has been given. For example, if an elementary principal approves Pinterest for use during the school day, Pinterest will be unblocked for all elementary children in the district.
- When applicant receives approval, he/she may begin implementation of the social media platform.