Do I need to apply to use Social Media?
District Social Media
Not sure what social media is? Generally speaking, social media refers to the digital tools that we use to interact among each other, to create, share and exchange information, ideas, and media in online virtual networks. Familiar examples of social media include such commonly used tools as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Flickr, and LinkedIn. These are but a few examples of social media; these and all other examples of social media fall under the application guidelines.
Apply if you want to use social media on behalf of SCASD; Employees/volunteers who wish to create, administer, or use a social media platform on behalf of the district or one of its entities (examples: department, school, library, class, team, club, activity, etc.) must apply for permission.
Apply for all uses of social media platforms where students access social media through their Google account. Examples: NewsELA, Khan Academy, Quizlet, GoodReads, ThatQuiz, Kidblog, WeVideo, Screencastify, Kahoot, Biteable.
Each employee who wishes to use a social media platform must individually seek administrative (principal/direct supervisor) approval.
Google account: It is not necessary to apply if you want your students to use SCASD Google Drive and the Google apps inside Drive (Documents, Presentations. Spreadsheets, Forms, SCASD Google Sites, SCASD Google Calendar, SCASD Google Mail, SCASD Google Classroom).
It is not necessary to apply for SCoodle.
Personal Social Media
Personal use of social media by employees/volunteers does not require approval: Application is not needed, but it is important to remember that each staff member is personally responsible for the content he/she publishes on ANY form of social media. This is especially important if you identify yourself as an employee of SCASD. Any personal social media account should be linked to a personal e-mail address. Important: please see Personal Uses of Social Media by employees.