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Technology Agreements / Device Insurance

The following State College Area School District policies and agreements can be utilized by staff, students, and families. Please review the overview and expectations in the State College School District Student Handbook.

Device Insurance

Families can opt-in to SCASD’s Optional Device insurance by filling out the “Optional Damage Protection Program” Form located in the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Once you complete the form an IT Technician will create an invoice in MySchoolBucks for you to pay. Note: Insurance will not be active until the invoice is paid.

The cost for insurance will be $45 per student per year. New this year, families will only need to pay this single payment and will not need to pay any additional “premium” payments for damage like in years past.

For families who would still like to pay for the insurance with a check, you can do so by mailing the check to SCASD IT Services - 240 Villa Crest Drive, State College PA 16801.  Please make checks payable to “SCASD” and include your child’s name(s), student number, and “Device Insurance” on the memo line or with a separate note.

If you have any questions, please email IT Support or call us at 814-231-7743.