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Documents can be emailed to the Registration Office or dropped off in our secure drop box located at 240 Villa Crest Drive, State College, Pa., 16801.

Student Registration and Appendices

Homeschool student enrolling as a Full-time Student: Please email or mail the following information:
  • The student registration form.
  • Course request form (high school students only)
Homeschool students enrolling as PTNR students for the first time: During the school year if your child is homeschooled and would like to participate in either curricular, co-curricular, interscholastic, intramural or activities for the upcoming school year. The following information is required to complete registration:
  • Student registration form
  • Student's birth certificate or passport
  • Student's immunizations
  • Parent/guardian proof of residency in the school district (acceptable forms are signed lease, current utility bill or sale of house agreement)
  • Guardianship and custody papers, if applicable
  • The appropriate appendices below
PTNR students returning as PTNR students: If your child was participating in either curricular, co-curricular, athletics or activities at the school and would like to continue for the upcoming school year, the following information is required to complete registration.
  • Every year, you must submit parent/guardian's proof of residency in the school district (acceptable forms are signed lease, current utility bill or sale of house agreement)
  • The appropriate appendices below
Note: if you have signed up for courses online either through the high school or middle school and you do not complete the registration process by May 25, your course requests will not be included in the scheduling process.
End of year evaluations are due by June 30 and need to include the following information:
  • Student name and grade
  • Academic progress summary
  • Fire safety activity statement
  • Standardized testing statement for students in grades 3, 5, and 8
  • Evaluator's "appropriate education" statement
Students enrolled in homeschooling, either all-day or part-day, are not eligible for the following during that school year:
  • State High Diploma
  • GPA standings such as honor roll
  • Class Rank
  • Awards
  • Counselor on formal applications to colleges; the homeschool instructor is the counselor
Part-time homeschool students can receive recognition for school performance on a test or in competitions, or when they receive recognition on national school performance measures, they will be included in press releases.


Click on the name of the Appendix to open the document. All documents are in PDF format. 
Appendix A: This is the affidavit required by the State College Area School District for homeschooling.  This form must be submitted to the Registration office.  Each application will require two (2) weeks for review and approval. The Student Registration Office can notarize your affidavit for free. 
Outline/Education plan: Sample outline for your reference.  Special Education students must have their education plan approved by non-SCASD personnel before submitting paperwork to the homeschooling office. If you have questions about the special ed requirements, please contact our Special Education Department at 814-231-1072.
Appendix B: As a homeschooling parent, you are allowed to request materials from the school district. Please fill out one form per child. If you are only requesting materials, you do not need to register. Please return by August 6 to the Registration Office. Note: The Typing Pal program has been discontinued. is a free resource that you may sign up to use. IXL is available.  
Appendix C: This form is to be completed if your child wants to take courses at their neighborhood school, one form per student. Reminder: These students are considered PTNR students and must be registered with the school district. Enrichment services, reading services, ESL and Title 1 services cannot be requested as a homeschool student. Some courses may have prerequisites that must be met.
Appendix D: The form should be completed for participation in athletics. Athletics are only available for students in grades 7-12. This request requires specific selection of the sport(s) of interest by February 23. Specific information about athletic options can be found on our athletics website
Appendix E: Students who would like to participate in intramurals or activities need to complete a form. Options and dates are available based on staffing, facilities and funds. A complete list can be found on the district website.
Appendix F: Course Registration Form for students in grades 9-13. Course registration guides for the high school and Delta program can be found on their school websites. 
Appendix G: Example of the high school transcript 

Miscellaneous Information 

  • Gifted services will not be provided for homeschooled or PTNR students.
  • Food service is not a service which may be selected in advance but rather a measure to be implemented for the convenience of the homeschooler if it is judged reasonable by administration during the school year. They will also be eligible for free and reduced lunch if they qualify.
  • The school district will provide mandated health screenings to any school-year-aged student who is a resident of our school district, regardless of enrollment status. Home-schoolers are invited to participate in our health screenings at their neighborhood school.
  • Data for homeschooled students will be maintained separate from other students. PTNR student data will be maintained in the building they are assigned.  The following information is required for various state reports and/or to meet state regulations.
  • Registration information, attendance records, grade, performance assessment records and health records will be maintained. This information will be made available to the homeschool supervisor.
  • The district will not provide an official transcript for homeschooled students who take courses through the school. If you require an unofficial transcript, please contact your student's counseling office. Homeschoolers are encouraged to maintain a transcript similar to that used in public school.
  • Homeschoolers are not eligible for the State College Area School District diploma by Board policy. Please contact the Home School Office of the Pennsylvania Department of Education (717-787-4860) for information on how to get a diploma. The Superintendent will issue a letter upon request which acknowledges that a student has graduated. To request a letter, contact the Superintendent's office at 814-231-1016.
Student Assessments: Please contact your child's neighborhood school and speak with administration for testing information.
  • The Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) is available for grades 3-8
  • The Pennsylvania Keystone Exam is available for grades 10 and 11
Special Education Assessment/Services: Assessments will be conducted by the school district after a written request from a homeschool supervisor and a follow-up meeting with school district staff. The Special Education Dept. should be contacted to make arrangements. If services are necessary, they will be provided in public schools. 
Student Parking: Contact the High School for parking information.
Transportation: Homeschooled students taking a first period class will be transported in the morning and those taking end of the day classes will be transported home.  Transportation will be provided related to all curricular and/or co-curricular activities. 


The school principal and staff will be responsible for the supervision and discipline of homeschooled students while in school according to the rules and guidelines of our student and family handbook. Students will be expected to follow all the rules and regulations of the State College Area School District.
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