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International Families

Unsure of what grade level your child should be enrolled? The school administrator, ESL specialist, and counselor will work with your family to help determine appropriate grade level placement for your child.  The following information may be taken into account:

  • Reviewing records/transcripts obtained from previous school
  • What was the last grade level successfully completed?
  • Has there been an interruption in your child’s formal education?
  • Referring to this grade level comparison to determine comparable placement from your home country. If your child's school year has ended and ours is still in session, place the student at the grade level just completed. 
  • Referring to this USA School Age Calculator to determine comparable placement from your home country. We understand that other countries have different age requirements for school, however, we want your child to thrive both academically and socially. There may be cases in which we recommend a different grade level than your home country so that your child can be successful in the U.S. school system.

When registering, please create a new account first.


KD = FULL DAY: Must be 5 on or before August 31 of the school year of enrollment. 

KA = HALF DAY: Core courses may not be taught in the option you selected, and your child may miss out on special activities.

Documentation required:

  • Copy of birth certificate or passport

  • Immunization records, please transcribe them to English prior to submitting them, Health Services/Nursing

  • Proof of residency (current utility bill or lease/mortgage agreement)

Please make sure that your uploads are either in one of the following formats: jpeg, doc, docx, pdf.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the registration office.