Middle School Gifted Support/Learning Enrichment
General education classrooms at the middle school level provide rigorous content and instruction to meet the varied needs of the student population. However, the State College Area School District recognizes that highly able learners may have different educational needs beyond what is offered in the General Education program.
Gifted Support
Students who have needs that cannot be met within General Education and Learning Enrichment services can be referred for evaluation for Gifted Support services. The Gifted Support component may provide acceleration and/or enrichment for students who have unusual abilities and are identified as gifted. A multidisciplinary team determines the appropriateness of placement in Gifted Support based on information secured from group achievement and ability tests, grades, an individual psychological examination, parent and teacher observations, and teacher, program specialist, and administrator recommendations. If Gifted Support services are recommended by a multidisciplinary team, the parents and student will be invited to attend and participate in a program planning meeting where a Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP) will be developed.
Learning Enrichment
Enrichment experiences provide students with exposure to content, methods, and problem-solving skills that extend beyond what takes place in the regular classroom. When it is determined that additional academic challenge is necessary, Learning Enrichment/Gifted Support teachers work with the general education teachers to provide opportunities that strive to meet the students' present needs. This could include extension activities related to curriculum that take place within the classroom or instruction delivered in a small-group setting where students interact with peers demonstrating similar strengths and interest needs.
Students at the middle level are encouraged to take part in various academic clubs and competitions such as MathCounts, Math League, Quiz Master/Quiz Bowl, Science Olympiad, Solar/Hybrid Car Challenge, National Geography Bee and the Technology Students Association. Learning Enrichment/Gifted Support Teachers may also offer mini-course offerings based on the needs of each school, grade level, and content area.
For more information about programming at the middle school level, please contact the gifted support teacher at your child's school.
7A Math for Sixth-graders
Placement, Process and Procedures for 7A for 6th Graders
As middle school approaches, for some students, there are decisions and recommendations that parents need to be aware of, including math placement. Every April, our fifth-grade teachers submit recommendations for students they feel should be tested to subject-level acceleration in math when entering middle school.
Information regarding our district’s math programming:
Click here for the district’s Math Scope and Sequence (Grades 5-12).
Click here to review the district’s Middle School Math Course Descriptions.
This acceleration Math Recommendation Process includes a 7A math readiness assessment. This placement exam is given to students who are being considered for the subject-level acceleration in math. Based on the initial 5th grade classroom teacher recommendation, prospective 7A students will take the math placement exam, occurring in May during the school day.
Following this exam, the building level team, which includes the principal and 5th grade teachers, will consider classroom observations, assessment data, and student’s performance on the readiness assessment when making course recommendations for middle school math.
Depending on your child's readiness exam results, there are three possible outcomes: 7A for 6th Grade with or without summer 6A prep or Advanced Math 6 or Math 6.