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Gifted Support Services

The State College Area School District provides challenging learning experiences for all students that build on their individual strengths and optimize their abilities. Gifted and Learning Enrichment services, in concert with SCASD's core program, ensure that the district supports the development of advanced learners to achieve their potential as students and individuals.

Gifted Support

The State College Area School District engages in a number of formal processes to identify potential candidates for gifted education services. All students in grade 3 are universally screened each school year. A cognitive screener, CogAT in combination with common, standardized grade-level assessments in reading and math are used as initial indicators to identify students who may be in need of specially designed instruction. 

In addition to the screening process described above, students in any grade level may be referred for a Gifted Multidisciplinary Evaluation (GMDE) by teachers and/or parents. A Gifted Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team (GMDT) determines the appropriateness of placement in Gifted Support. If Gifted Support services are recommended, the parents and student will be invited to participate in a program planning meeting where a Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP) will be developed. 

Characteristics of Gifted Children

There are many characteristics that gifted students have in common. The following graphic from the Pennsylvania Association for Gifted Education (PAGE) lists traits that gifted children typically exhibit. If you believe your child may be gifted, please reach out to your child's teacher or building principal.

It's important to note that gifted students can also have learning disabilities. For more information about this topic, please read this article from the National Association for Gifted Children: 

The Exceptionality of Being Twice-Exceptional


For more information about SCASD Gifted Support, please contact your child’s building principal or Director of Gifted Services, Lisa Kuilman-Bolla.

If you missed our third-grade universal screening webinar on 10/22/24, which explained SCASD's gifted screening process, view the recording.