Educational and Field Trip Forms
- Educational Field Trip Request Form (Download a PDF)
- Field Trip Checklist for Teachers
- Classroom and Activity Shuttle Request Form
Permission for Exchange/Disclosure of Student Information
This form should be used when a student's records are accessed and placed in the student's records.
Homebound Procedures
During a Pandemic: If a staff member is physically going into a home:
- Before the SCASD staff member enters the house, anyone present in the house must confirm that they (a) have not tested Covid + in the past 10 days, and (b) that they are not currently exhibiting any of the Covid-19 related symptoms (one from column A and two from column B), and
- All present in the house must be masked and physically distanced at all times.
Homebound Instruction
These forms should be used for students that require medical homebound instruction:
- Administrator Homebound Instructions
- Individual Homebound Instructional Record
- Homebound Instructor/Teacher
- Physician's Request for Homebound Instruction
At Home Instructions
Principal is to use this in cases where a student is having difficulty which is not of a medical nature:
Exit Interview form
This form needs to be completed for any student that is "dropped" due to the 10-day rule or "drops" out of school: