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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

For behavior issues, please contact your building principal.

Q: Can my child ride a different bus than the one they are assigned to?
A: Yes, with the following restrictions:

  • You must make a request in writing to your child's school.
  • There must be available seating space on the requested bus.
  • The child will be boarded and discharged only at the current stop (no new stops will be created).

Q: When must I stop for a school bus loading/unloading students?
A: Pennsylvania law requires motorists to stop at least ten (10) feet away from the bus under the following conditions. Motorists must remain stopped until the red signal lights have stopped flashing and the stop sign has been withdrawn.

  • When you meet or overtake a stopped school bus with its red signal lights flashing and the stop sign extended
  • When you approach an intersection where a school bus is stopped with it's red signal lights flashing and the stop sign extended

Q: What is the penalty for not stopping for a school bus loading/unloading students?
A: If convicted, a motorist receives a 60 day driver's license suspension and 5 points on their driving record and a $250 fine.

Q: What are your procedures for early dismissals?
A: Sometimes, because of weather during the school day or impending conditions, the district must dismiss schools early in the interest of safety. In most cases, we will notify parents and guardians by noon through phone calls, emails and texts.

Q: How are school bus stops established?
A: Each location (i.e. urban, suburban, or rural) has different variables. However, some basic factors are as follows. We generally try to limit stops to no more than four (4) per mile. This means a child can reasonably expect to walk at least 880 feet to/from their assigned school bus stop, although the maximum allowed walking distance to/from a school bus stop is 1.00 miles for elementary (grades K-5) students and 1.50 miles for middle school (grades 6-8) and high school (grades 9-12) students. Other factors considered are traffic volume, posted speed limit, sight distance, and number of children assigned to the stop. Within urban and suburban areas stops are generally placed at intersections. Intersections usually have a traffic control device (i.e. stop sign) and offer easier recognition for a substitute driver.

Q: Why is my child not eligible for school bus transportation?
A: School Board Policy stipulates elementary (grades K-5) students must reside at least 1.00 miles from their assigned school while middle school (grades 6-8) and high school (grades 9-12) students must reside at least 1.50 miles from their assigned school to be eligible for school bus transportation. These distances are measured using the shortest public access route from the point where the residence driveway intersects the closest public roadway or walkway to the point where the school driveway intersects the closest public roadway or walkway.

Q: Are there assigned seats on the school bus?
A: Yes. School Board policy authorizes the driver to assign seats using whatever seating arrangement works best for the safety of students and the driver.

Q: How will I be notified of a change to my child's stop time or location? 
A: A letter will be sent to your home or the bus driver will give your child a note that "an email will be sent to you regarding the change."

Q: Will my child have the same bus driver everyday?
A: Usually the same driver will drive the morning and afternoon run.  However there will be times when a substitute driver is on the bus.  Also, driver trainees may ride along in order to learn the route.

Q: How do you handle extreme cold weather situations?
A: In the case of extreme cold, the district may consider a 1-hour delay, 2-hour delay, 3-hour-delay or cancellation if the actual temperature dips below minus 5 degrees, and there is a windchill below minus 20 degrees. Any decision takes into account how long students are exposed to the cold and whether buses can operate properly. Sometimes it can be too cold for the amounts of fuel additive the district is allowed by state law to mix with school bus diesel fuel to prevent it from jelling.

Q: Why is the bus late and why wasn't I called? 
A: Some of the situations that could cause lateness include traffic, road closures, weather, vehicle mechanical issues or a late prior route.  Since we operate over 100 buses and school vehicles, it is virtually impossible to contact parents when the bus is running late.  However, we have radio contact with all buses and school vehicles and we can determine the expected time of arrival. 

Q: What can my child bring on the bus?
A: Pennsylvania regulations prohibit live animals, flammable or illegal items, and bulky objects (i.e. large musical instruments). Any belonging must be of the size that can safely be held on the child's lap or between the knees without affecting the safety and comfort of others.  For more information on musical instruments please reference the Transporting Band or Orchestra Instruments section.

Q: My child recently suffered an injury and can't enter or exit the bus. What can I do?
A: If the injury is acute, the parent is expected to provide transportation until the child is medically able to enter and exit the school bus.

Q: Can a parent board the school bus?
A: Not unless the driver approves. In 2001 a bill was passed by the Pennsylvania legislature with the following provisions.

  • Any person who shall enter a public school bus or public school activity bus after being forbidden to do so by the authorized school bus driver in charge thereof, or the school principal to whom the public school bus or public school activity bus is assigned shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

  • Any person who shall unlawfully and willfully stop, impede, delay, or detain any public school bus or public school activity bus being operated for public school purposes shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Q: What exactly are "late runs?"
A: Late runs are a courtesy service the school district offers to middle school and high school students staying after school for approved activities (i.e. athletics, extra-curricular activities). Late runs service the more populated stops in a geographical area and not each and every stop serviced on the regular morning and afternoon routes. Stops serviced by late runs are displayed on this website.

Q: How does the district handle split custody transportation?
A: Transportation is provided from both addresses, as long as both parents live with in the attendance boundary of the school that the student attends.