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Tips for Bus Riders

Tips for Bus Riders

At the Stop

Students should arrive at the stop 5 minutes before the scheduled pick-up time. Children should be respectful of other people's property and stay out of the street while waiting.
Wait at the stop until the bus comes to a complete stop and the door is open. The red light will be activated at this time and the stop sign should be out.
Never retrieve anything that falls beside the bus. Students should tell the driver or their parents/guardians.

On the Bus

Children should remain seated on the bus, keep their hands to themselves, and should not yell or scream. The bus drivers will assign seats during the first weeks of school.

Going Home

Kindergarten children wear bus tags. Please make sure that your child's tag is filled out correctly when you attend an open house. The drivers will be checking the tags to make sure the kindergartners are getting off at the correct stop. If your child needs to go to a stop other than the home stop, please send a note to school and the office staff will give your child a bus pass for that day.