District Logo
District Logo
The State College Area School District logo was adopted by the Board of School Directors on May 8, 1985. The key elements of the design are:
The individual student. Although we enroll more than 7,300 students in our schools, we accept the challenge of providing a system that strives to educate each one of our students to his or her maximum potential.
The student body. The youthful silhouette is stylized to represent the entire student body regardless of age, gender, or family background.
Preparation for the future. The student's head is inclined toward the horizon and the rising sun, symbolizing an optimistic focus on the future. We are preparing our students not only to adjust to a rapidly changing future but to shape its course as well.
Challenges and accomplishments. The mountain rising in the background suggests the challenges that each student will encounter during her or his life's journey. We must equip our students to prevail in the face of certain adversity. We also share in celebrating their successes.
Local significance. The shape of the mountain evokes the long Appalachian ridges that surround our community.