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Wonderland Charter School Renewal

Wonderland Charter School

On July 31, 2018, Wonderland Charter School sent a letter to its families announcing that the school voluntarily closed its doors. Throughout the charter renewal process, our mission was to ensure that all of the students at the school were being provided the best possible education and required services.

Prior to Wonderland’s decision to close, SCASD’s administration and solicitor continued to investigate claims brought forward to the district, as well as new concerns identified during the course of the investigation.

Superintendent Bob O’Donnell said:

“Although we had significant concerns about Wonderland’s educational programming, I sympathize with the families and educators affected by this closure. For the families who reside in the State College Area School District, we have space for all of your children, and our district is ready to welcome you. I have asked Vernon Bock, our assistant superintendent of elementary education, to be the contact for any questions. He will be happy to arrange school tours and help each family work through its before, during and after school needs to experience a successful transition.”


SCASD Board of Directors Votes For Wonderland Charter Hearing

In a special meeting on Monday, June 4, the State College Area School District Board of Directors approved a resolution for a hearing to determine whether to grant Wonderland Charter School’s request for a charter renewal.

Prompted by the district administration’s recommendation, the resolution states: “The Board hereby authorizes the initiation of non-renewal and/or revocation proceedings against Wonderland, pursuant to 24 P.S. § 17-1729-A(a).”

The initial hearing date has yet to be scheduled.

During the meeting, SCASD Solicitor Scott Etter presented the following statement to the Board. This statement represents the district’s position at this time:

“The District, through its administration, has oversight duties and responsibilities, and a legal right to review the operations of charter schools, both at the time of a renewal application, and at any time during the typical three- and five-year cycles for the initial charter and any renewal.  When Wonderland submitted its request to have its charter renewed, the administration began its usual and customary review of Wonderland’s operations. In the midst of that process, the administration received unsolicited contacts from people who were, and in some cases still are, associated with Wonderland. Those people included Wonderland Board members, teachers, and parents.  With the information provided by those people, the administration began to look at some new and different areas, and some areas which had already been considered in greater detail. What we have found, what we believe, and what is reflected in the resolution that is before you, is that Wonderland has not, during the most recent five-year cycle, as well as the periods before that, complied with the requirements of the Charter School Law, as well as other statutes, rules, regulations that pertain to it, and its own policies, procedures, representations, and pronouncements. These failures, in the area of special education in particular, are systemic, institutionalized, and long-standing, and were put in place and are enforced by Wonderland leadership, to include its founder, former CEO, and current business administrator; its education director; its current CEO; and its other lead teacher. We believe that these failures are so severe and significant that it is appropriate to initiate the nonrenewal/revocation proceeding provided for in the CSL and the Basic Education Circular on Charter Schools. We are continuing to investigate and gather information, to include meeting with people, and are being delayed, impeded, and thwarted by Wonderland in doing so, but the resolution itself addresses the statutes, rules, regulations, policies, and other authoritative pronouncements which we believe that Wonderland has violated.”

A detailed report was provided to the State College Area School District Board of Directors on June 4, 2018 regarding the Wonderland Charter School's renewal.