CAC for Athletics
Citizen Advisory Committee for PIAA-Affiliated Interscholastic Athletics
The purpose of the Citizen Advisory Committee for PIAA-Affiliated Athletics will be to advise the Board of School Directors in an ongoing manner about the interscholastic athletics activities of the State College Area School District for which the PIAA assumes jurisdiction. Matters for which the Board will look toward the CAC for suggestions and advice will be:
The purpose of the Citizen Advisory Committee for PIAA-Affiliated Athletics will be to advise the Board of School Directors in an ongoing manner about the interscholastic athletics activities of the State College Area School District for which the PIAA assumes jurisdiction. Matters for which the Board will look toward the CAC for suggestions and advice will be:
- To identify current and long-range needs of the Interscholastic Athletics program
- To review the allocation of the financial resources of the Interscholastic Athletics Program
- To assist in promoting communications and understanding between the community and the school system regarding the district's Interscholastic Athletics Program
- To study and make recommendations regarding specific concerns as requested by the Board of School Directors.