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Safe Schools Plan

State College Area School District

Safe School Plan




The State College Area School District’s Safe School Plan has evolved over many years. The input to the plan has been quite broad allowing the plan to incorporate a comprehensive perspective. In 1986, plans began for a traumatic events procedure which led to our first Board Policy on the issue in 1989. Since then, the emphasis on crisis response has continued, but developmental, prevention, intervention, and risk reduction initiatives have become more common.

In the early 90’s, mediation and conflict resolution became part of our effort, and by the mid 90’s, each of these strategies were becoming more a part of the school support program. In the later 90’s, the conflict resolution emphasis was included in the regular curriculum in various areas, K-12.

In more recent years, we have begun to take measures to provide more security in the schools with expanded school security staff, School Resource Officers, and School Based Probation Officers.

Our strategic plans have called for a safe, secure and nurturing school environment. This safe school plan is based upon our history since 1986 and the profound commitment contained in our strategic plans.

The Citizen’s Advisory Committee provides an advisory service to the Board of School Directors and the administration through the superintendent.

The Safety in the Workplace Committee has as its focus safety issues from water quality to playground equipment.

School Health and Wellness  Support psychological as well as physical well-being of all students.  Provides a process to integrate decision-making and collaboration to support healthy children and youth. Foster cooperation by building consensus and trust between teachers, staff, family, and community members.  Support the health and wellness of students and schools, which will ultimately result in improved academic achievement.

Security Committee has as its focus the scrutiny of facilities and practices. This committee provides information regarding a broad array of security issues of importance to schools.

The Traumatic Events Teams are comprised of Staff members who are identified to serve in the event a traumatic event occurs which impacts that site. These teams rehearse in advance and meet on an ongoing basis to maintain a readiness to respond when called upon.

Membership on various committees and the traumatic events teams is determined by the Board of School Directors, superintendent, administration or by state or federal regulations.


The State College Area School District Safe School Plan has a broad focus to provide services across a continuum.

The Safe Continuum


Important Definitions

SAFE- To limit injury or property damage due to accidents.

SECURE - To limit injury or property damage due to intentional behavior.

NURTURING – To further the development of competent conflict resolution skills and other coping skills in our students, families and staff.

CRISIS – An unstable or crucial time or state of affairs.

EMERGENCY- An unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state which calls for immediate action.

TRAUMATIC EVENT – A crisis, emergency or other occurrence which caused a disordered psychic or behavioral state.

PHYSICAL WELLNESS – The state of being healthy in terms of diet and conditioning.

HEALTHY- enjoying health and vigor of body, mind or spirit