Citizens Advisory Committees (CAC)
The State College Area Board of School Directors recognizes the importance of drawing upon the expertise of the citizens of the district in the processes of problem solving and policy development. A prime vehicle for citizen involvement will be Citizen Advisory Committees (CACs)
Citizen involvement in the school system can contribute to the following goals:
1. To stimulate the interest and awareness of citizens regarding the educational affairs and operations of the schools.
2. To involve citizens in a meaningful way in analyzing problems and shaping the decisions which confront the school system.
3. To develop better communications and understanding between the community and the school system.
4. To work toward a unity of action and citizen support upon which the education of students depends.
The Board may establish a CAC by defining a charge and a length of tenure to address specific strategic issues, topics, or problems confronting the school system. Typically, the function of a CAC will be:
1. To clarify problems.
2. To gather facts.
3. To organize and analyze data.
4. To identify and evaluate alternative solutions.
5. To make recommendations for action by the Board.
6. To assist in communicating the final decision to the community.
The role of the CAC will be advisory and/or consultative. By establishing a CAC, the Board in no way will relinquish its statutory responsibility for making decisions which will affect the school system.
To the extent possible, the Board will strive to ensure that the membership of each CAC reflects the community as a whole, rather than being dominated by narrowly focused interest groups. If members of the professional staff are to be included on a CAC, they shall be nominated by the Superintendent.
The Board reserves the right to establish or to dissolve a CAC at any time, but will consider the advice and recommendation of the Superintendent before doing so.
Become a member of a Citizens Advisory Committee
The State College Area School District Board of School Directors seeks the expertise of district residents to assist in addressing strategic issues, topics, or problems as members of Citizens Advisory Committees (CACs). CACs are advisory and/or consultative committees that analyze problems, gather facts, organize and analyze data, identify and evaluate alternative solutions, and make recommendations for action by the board. Committees generally meet once a month, and members are appointed by the board. Members are selected to represent specific areas of needed expertise and reflect the make-up of the community.
Established Citizens Advisory Committees assist in the areas of Athletics, Facilities, Finance, School Health and Safety, and Technology. In addition, a general advisory committees serves in the area of Career and Technical Center.
Openings currently exist on the committees for Athletics, Career and Technical Education, Facilities, Finance, and Technology. If you would like to be considered for one of the advisory committees, please submit a letter of interest to the Board Secretary, 240 Villa Crest Drive, State College, PA 16801 or email Lynn Tressler, Board Secretary.