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Classroom Celebrations & Rewards

SCASD elementary schools will meet the following standards:
  • Classroom parties will offer minimal amount of foods (maximum 2-3 items) that contain added sugar as the first ingredient and will provide the following:
    • Fresh fruits and vegetables.
    • Water, 100% fruit juice or milk.
  • Food will not be used as a reward for classroom or school activities unless the reward is an activity that promotes a positive nutrition message (ie., guest chef, field trip to a farm or farmers market, etc.)

Parents and teachers at all grade levels will be made aware of the district's commitment to wellness and will be encouraged to provide healthy snacks.  Healthy-food or non-food rewards and celebrations will be encouraged.

This does not mean that we can never have cupcakes in our classrooms.  But, please consider incorporating healthy foods into celebrations and eliminating the use of candy to reward children.

Visit these links for healthful celebration and reward ideas: