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Fund Raising

Policy Guidelines for Fundraising
Our district is fortunate to have many clubs and organizations that support our students and the district's mission.  Efforts to support a positive nutrition environment for students may present challenges to these groups' fundraising efforts.  Some of the past fundraising options are no longer available under the wellness policy and USDA Smart Snack standards.  The School Health Council is here to support clubs and organizations with resources and fundraising ideas.
All foods sold during the school day as fundraisers will follow the standards listed below:

Food fundraisers may not take place during the first ½ hour of the school day or during the time that lunch is being served in the school building.

All foods sold as fundraisers during the school day must meet Smart Snack rules.

The school day is defined as midnight before through 30 minutes after the end of the official school day.

Even though out-of-school fundraising is not regulated by this policy, we hope that organizations will choose fundraising strategies that reflect the ideals of the district's wellness policy and support healthy lifestyles for our children.

This policy should not present an insurmountable obstacle, as there are numerous fundraising opportunities that have been successful around the country that also support healthful nutrition.  Please consider some of the ideas that are included on these web pages: