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2001-2007 Strategic Plan Process

2001 -2007 Strategic Plan

The District's 2001-2007 Strategic Plan was approved by the Board of School Directors in September 2001. This plan was developed in partnership with the community through Citizens Advisory Committees and Action Planning Teams and will be updated annually.

To Prepare Students for Lifelong Success through Excellence in Education

We envision a District in which the community is dedicated to ensuring that students acquire the academic, technical, and life skills necessary to enhance and fully develop their unique capabilities; each student is challenged and prepared to become a lifelong learner who contributes to an ever-changing, increasingly diverse community, society, and world; learning occurs in a safe, secure, nurturing, and stimulating learning environment; all members of the school community respect and relate personally to each other; each student is actively engaged in learning, both independently and collaboratively; the commitment to continuous improvement guides action; schools meet the needs of students, families, and our community so well that broad and enthusiastic support is generated for the programs and services of the district; and technology is used to enhance the learning process while recognizing the importance of interpersonal communications.

Organizational Goals
We will continue to design and implement a future-oriented curriculum so that each student will graduate with the knowledge and skills to thrive in a multi-dimensional, global, and technological society; provide a safe, secure, nurturing environment that supports the changing needs of an increasingly diverse student population; encourage collaboration and innovation in a quality staff, faculty, and administration; build and strengthen partnerships, emphasizing the shared responsibility among students, parents, staff, faculty, administration, school board, and multiple communities; continuously improve our systems for creative planning and for effective management and allocation of human, financial, and physical resources; provide facilities and technologies that effectively support learning.

We will implement a standards-based curriculum through learning experiences, program options, and support services that motivate and enable each student to achieve performance expectations. Processes will continue to promote collaboration, innovation, excellence, and creativity in all student, faculty, staff, and administrative activities. Nurturing learning environments will foster shared responsibility, personal relationships, and mutual respect among students, parents, staff, faculty, administration, school board members, and community. The acquisition and integration of technologies will enhance teaching, learning, and operations District-wide. The educational process will be supported by strengthened communications with our communities, and through partnerships. Our human resources will be supported to deliver an effective and future-oriented educational program. Our facilities will continue to be adapted to function effectively in the delivery of multi-dimensional educational programs and services. Our financial management system will continue to incorporate long range financial planning, alternative sources of revenue, and clear accountability.